Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Víkend Haidong Gumdo a FMA

Weekend Haidong Gumdo and FMA

6th - 8th Oct 2023

10th Haidong Gumdo Intensive Weekend and 2nd FMA Weekend and Exams

This event is for anyone interested in the way of the sword and Filipino martial arts, including complete beginners.

6-8 OCT Beztahov u Votice

Price 3500 CZK - includes accommodation, possible exams including certificate for those prepared plus equipment for exams. Exams only for tuition paying HG or FMA practitioners (or private lessons). For those not registered or not paid by 1st OCT price 3900CZK.

Bring a sleeping bag and standard gear including HG and FMA gear.

Sign up only through the Events Schedule at www.tkd.cz and pay in advance to GBHS or in person to the teacher.

I ask all HG and FMA members to make time for this important event. We will be working hard in HG preparing for the seminar and possible dan exams before Master Lee. At the end of the event, there will be an opportunity to take the kup exams and dan pre-exams in HG. In FMA, we will prepare for the seminar with Grandmaster Nemeth, practice and review the basics of FMA, and participate in an online lesson with a Filipino Grandmaster. There will also be an opportunity to take exams at the end.

18:00 arrival, accommodation
19:00 FMA basic movements, agak
20:30 HG basic techniques, kibon donjak, stamina

9:30 FMA agak, knife defense
11:00 HG forms, precision training, theory
15:00 FMA online lesson
17:00 HG drawing, duel
20:00 FMA disarming
21:00 HG repetition, pre-exams


9:30 FMA palakaw
11:00 HG forms, accuracy training, theory
14:00 HG and FMA rehearsals

We recommend that those practicing only HG or FMA in their free time intensively prepare for their own exams, however, they are also warmly invited to other training sessions.

Don't miss a unique event of this type and become pioneers of Czech Haidong Gumdo and FMA. Prepare with us for the first further competitions abroad and a seminar with Korean master Lee here or a visit to master Han in Korea!!! Let's get ready for our first camp in the Philippines or FMA Summer Camp 2024 with some Filipino legends!!!