Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Soustředění USA 2023

Where: New York and New Jersey, USA

Who: Anyone interested in martial arts, Asian culture and learning about the USA. Not suitable for unaccompanied children under 13. Ideal opportunity to meet grandmasters, race and present not only TKD, but also hopae or sword!

How much: 19900Kč price includes all meals, accommodation (combination of overnight stay at the training center in your own sleeping bag and at local hotels, only hotels possible), entries, on-site transfers, training, seminars, races, gift. Price does not include airfare, ESTA and travel insurance if applicable. Minimum non-refundable deposit of 9900Kč to the school account by 1 November.

Orientative joint program (individual program also possible):

29.11. flight Prague - New York (I recommend 12:30 Prague- 22:10 NY, Newark), night walk in New York

30.11. - 1.12. - Taekwon-do seminar with GM Lee (self-defense, quiver, weapons) , afternoon Chinatown or Statue of Liberty

2.12. - Founders Championship (lineups, fighting, breaking, weapons, teams)

3.-5.12. - NY - Metropolitan Museum, Korea and Chinatown, Central Park and Zoo, Broadway, 9/11 Memorial, Wall street, skyscrapers and museums, visits to local martial arts schools, training with grandmasters, unique gastronomy...

5.-6.12. - flight New York - Prague (I recommend 17:40 NY - 11.45 Prague, currently 16 752Kč roundtrip)

Application: only in the Schedule of Events at www.tkd.cz until 1.11. If you pay a deposit or apply later, the same price and participation is not guaranteed. Detailed event schedule will be determined by Master Zamecnik (603302739), the camp director, based on the number of registrants and their preferences.

The Big Apple is waiting for you, take the opportunity to learn about the history of Taekwon-do and so many different cultures!