Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Víkend pro učitele + seminář s Zsoltem Szenasim

Weekend for teachers + seminar with Zsolt Szenasi

6th - 8th Sep 2024

WHEN, WHERE, WHO: 6.-8.9. Beztahov -, arrival from 18:00. 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Transportation can be arranged by arrangement. The event is intended for those interested in taekwon-do teaching. For teachers and assistants mandatory and free and are registered. Also for those interested in a deeper understanding of martial arts and vital points under the instruction of Grandmaster Szenasi.

FEE: 2900Kč. The price includes, food, drink, training, accommodation. Payment after 1.9. 3500Kč. Register only through the Schedule of Events at www.tkd.cz and pay in advance to GBHS or in person to the teacher.

If you enjoy Taekwon-do so much that you would like to pass it on, then you need to be here!