Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > 2. zimní soustředění a zkoušky


1. – 10.3.2019

Meeting at 16:45 Jirčany on training in Olten tennis hall, TKD center or after phonecall with Tomas Kuba, who can take somebody on training in Okříšky. Arrival for motorists the first day ideally around 19:00 (dinner and evening training already in the program). Pick up the participants on the last day at about 2 pm (start of the exams at 1:00 pm) or we can bring them to the meeting place.


Centrum Slunečnice, Uhelná Příbram


The event is intended for all those interested in testing and comprehensive preparation of TKD. Beginners will have a separate group so they are well prepared for the exams. Here, it will also be possible to adjust to STM or STS on the basis of training and examinations. On the base of interests can also be found in the training the hopae sool, taekyon and gumdo.

Exams - 10.3. from 13:00. For pre-exams and exams arrival at last at 9.3. between 9:00 and 9:30. However, we recommend much longer. Upon agreement and on the basis of exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to make pre-exams another two days of camp.

The capacity is limited to 50 participants, in the case of higher interest priority will be given to participants with longer stays.


For calculation, you can use the calculator. The price includes transportation, food, drinking regime, training, accommodation and any tests and equipment necessary for each technical grade (doboks, belts, pads, protectors ...). The equipment is not received by school members who have not been for more than 13 months at least two days on camp and are more than 13 months members of our school and 9 or more years of age.

1 day 1000CZK minus discounts


  • 50% each third and next family member, GBHS teachers and lifelong members
  • 35% non-practicing and 10% training visits from other schools
  • 10% own trip there and back reported until 15.2. (5% unidirectional)
  • 10% for check-in and a deposit of CZK 2,000 or half of the estimated price paid until 15.2.
  • 5% of the whole camp

Discounts can be combined up to a maximum of 100%. The deposit is refundable only in the case of excuse within two days before the start of the event for serious medical reasons.

Advance payments or full amounts should be clearly marked with the name and purpose when sending to our school account 2982742001/5500 or the second option is a cash payment to teachers with notice of payment on info@tkd.cz. In case of cash payment and immediate document needs, please inform teachers in advance. The rest of the amount can be paid on the spot or on the account again. No discounts can be made for payments after event.


Only through Schedule of events on the school website www.tkd.cz.


school ITF dobok, paper, pencil, small pocket money, regular needs like for camps. From the yellow pad with yourself and from the green protectors. YOU will need a sleeping bag and possibly a pillow.

  • prohibiting valuables
  • Each participant may be sent back home without a reimbursment on the basis of the decision of the Disciplinary Board.
  • The phonenumber on the parents and the health insurance card will have everybody with and know where


  • 8:45 breakfast
  • 9:45 training
  • 12:30 lunch
  • 13:00 afternoon program (projecting, trip, team work ...)
  • 16:00 training
  • 18:15 dinner
  • 19:45 training (after agreement without preschool children)
  • 22:00 lights-out pupils (23:00 juniors)

One day will always be set-up to the day of relaxation day with a smaller training level.

In case of a gross disruption of discipline, anyone can be excluded from this action without compensation.

If your child can learn right and left, has a clock knowledge, has basic hygienic habits, and is capable of communicating with the teacher (eg, telling him that he is sick) - it is not a problem to manage camp alone. For small children, we recommend parenting, rather than tearful and weepy everyday phone calls. Parents have to support direct communication between the pupil and the teacher.

Please ask all members (at preschoolers also parents) to find time for at least two days for pre-exam and exams.. Students who do not reflect on the possibility of making exams by their non-participation at any camp for more than a year, they may be asked to terminate the membership.

You'd better read the whole flyer once again!

info and excesues: Martin Zámečník 603302739, www.tkd.cz, info@tkd.cz