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Hopae and Taekkyon weekend

29th - 31st May 2020

Come to get to know Korea better and improve kicks or get to know an effective self-defense weapon !!!

WHEN and WHERE: 29.-31.5 . Beztahov , arrival from 18:00. Sleeping bag necessary, possibly a pillow. Transport can be arranged by prior arrangement. The event is intended for all interested parties.


Friday 18:45 - 20:15 hopae , 20:15 - 21:45 taekkyon

            22:00 theory and history of taekkyon and hopae , toasting

Saturday 9:30 - 11:00 taekkyon , 11:00 -12: 30 hopae

             lunch and rest or independent preparation for exams

             16:30 - 17:45 taekkyon , 17:45 - 19:00 hopae

             19:15 - 22:00 examinations and individual corrections, then theory and roasting

Sunday 9:30 - 11:00 taekkyon , 11:00 -12: 30 hopae , second examination option 

            14:00 - exams

If someone is only interested in taekkyon or only in hopae , it is not a problem to participate only in specific trainings and during the second trainings they practiced or worked individually, rested… 

The second and every other tests can be performed only in the official attire, which can be purchased at the event (universal trousers for taekkyon and hopae 890CZK , taekkyon t-shirt 250CZK, hopae t-shirt 250CZK)

HOW MUCH: 1900CZK. The price includes, food, drinking regime, training, accommodation, exams. Pay to the school's account under your name and the name of the event in note 2982742001/5500 or in cash to Master Martin Zámečník. 

WHO: The event is intended for duly paying members of the Taekkyon and Hopae Solo Association and all interested parties. Everyone can become a member directly at the event by paying for membership. Hopae can be purchased on the spot for 490 CZK . More information about membership, proper training and both martial arts can be found at www.taekkyon.cz and www.hopae.cz . Only sign over the schedule of events at www.tkd.cz .


Become a pioneer of Czech hopae and taekkyon !!! Get ready with us for our first taekkyon competition in Korea, which we will pay for the best!