Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Nejen STM soustředění


SEP 25 - 30, 2020

Meet for departure always at 17:00 Prague Roztyly buss station, platform #5, return around 18:00 will be specified. Earliest arrival for self-transport at the first day at 18:00 (up to 19:15). Pick-up of participants always on the last day at approximately 15:00 – exams start at 13:30. Afternoon training of STM teams is also possible at STM.


Beztahov u Votic.

We sleep in 6 and 8 beds rooms, which will be heated.


the camp is intended for members of STM (Center for Talent Youth) and STS (Center of Talented Seniors). All members of STM with a valid contract are obliged to complete this entire event or to apologize in advance on the basis of demonstrable serious health problems. STM members are registered for this training camp automatically (by e-mail or change their login details, such as their own trip). STS members apply normally, but we remind you the mandatory attendance since Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Consider the free Monday, for which it will also be possible to apply the STS discount. Upon request, we will issue apologies to the school for both events. At STM, no other apologies are accepted than when signing the contract and very serious health reasons. Non-members of STM and STS can report to this camp only with their own accommodation or with accommodation in a tent (we can borrow).

Exams - They always take place on the last day, arrival required no later than a day before the exam day at 9:50. Upon agreement, the verification for exam can take place on other days than the last one with a minimum attendance of 3 full days.


You can use the calculator for the calculation. The price includes transport, food, drinking regime, trainings, accommodation and any exams and equipment necessary for each technical level (doboks, belts, paws, protectors….). Equipment will not be provided to members of the school who have not been to the training camp for duration at least two days for more than 13 months, and have been members our school for more than 13 months and at the same time are 9 years of age or older.

1 day for 1000CZK minus discount


  • 50% every third and next practicing family member, GBHS teachers and lifelong members
  • 40% STM members - only for STM event and STS members on mandatory weekends (whole teams at all times)
  • 35% non-trainers and 10% trainer visits from other schools (non-trainers can participate in warm-up, self-defense and running)
  • 10% self-transport there and back reported by SEP 19. (5% one way)
  • 10% for registration by SEP 19 and a deposit of CZK 1,500 credited to our account no later than SEP 20.
  • 5% of the whole camp
  • 10% discount for the offer of your own accommodation - write in the note (commuting home, local guesthouses, tent) In case of cancellation of applications due to capacity, we will proceed from people with at least days, taking into account the date of registration.

The deposit is refundable only in case of an apology by e-mail within two days before the start of the whole event for serious health reasons. Advances or full amounts, clearly marked with the name and purpose, can be send to the school account 2982742001/5500. Or pay teachers cash. In case of payment in cash and immediate need for a receipt, it is better to inform the teacher in advance. The rest of the amount can be paid on the spot, preferably by payment on the last day or to the account. It is not possible to use any discount when paying for promotions or additional payments after the promotion date.


SLEEPING BAG, dobok (not beginners), a paper, a pencil, small pocket money possible, common needs as for camps. From the yellow belt a paw, from the green belt complete set of protectors, the helmet is recommended, from the black belt a knife and encyclopedia. Clothes and footwear for outdoor and indoor training. Bathing suit. We recommend a pillow. Confirmation of health status see Events schedule for each training.

  • Ban on valuables, we do not recommend a mobile phone for children under 10 years of age
  • Everyone will have the number for their parents and the health insurance card with them
  • For preschool age children or less, single children from 1st to 2nd grade, we recommend participation in the presence an elderly family member. We consider mastering the clock, personal hygiene and recognition of the right and left side as the basics.

The ability to communicate independently with the teacher and in this support from parents is necessary. In the case of a major violation of discipline, anyone can be excluded from this event without compensation. As well as leaving the event at your own discretion.

We ask all members (preferably also preschool parents) to find at least a few days for examination and performing exam. Especially members without participation in summer events.

You'd better read the whole leaflet one more time.

info and apologies: info@tkd.czurgent questions 603302739