Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Velké zimní soustředění, Korejský silvestr

Big Winter Camp

25th Dec 2020 - 3rd Jan 2021


21.12.20 – 3.1.2021

Take advantage of winter holiday and come to practice for few days and pass the exams!!!

Meeting for departure: Prague Chodov in front of TKD center at 9:45, arrival around 16:00 will be specified


Our center Beztahov u Votic.

The arrival for car drivers earliest at 11:00 (only first day, the other days whenever), first training from 11:45.

Accommodation and couple of training places were adjusted, so the event is possible even in the third degree of PES up to 30 participants. In case of too many registered participants, will be primarily considered number of registered days and secondary date of the registration and successful deposit. Better distribution of participation is supported by more dates of TKD exams.


The camp is suitable for all interested persons. Last day will take place the exams (12:45 taekkyon, 13:00 hopae sool, 13:30 taekwon-do). TKD exams will be also December 27 and 30. For pre-exams and possible participation on one TKD exam is necessary to attend at least 3 full days of preparation. For example, for an exam at Dec 30 is necessary to arrive at least Dec 28 morning between 9:00 and 10:00. Because of cancelled autumn exams, we will for once allow a double exam at standard performance and minimal attendance for 6 days of preparation. With number of trainings is increasing also probability of success during pre-exams. Exams are only for registered members of the school, who pay contributions properly (the same for taekkyon and hopae sool).

The camp is suitable for all interested persons including absolute beginners.


for counting you can use the calculator. In price is included accommodation, meals, transfer, soft drinks, trainings. The equipment will not be provided to nine-year-old and older school members who have not been more than 13 months at any camp for at least two days and are more than 13 months in our school.

1000 CZK/day minus discounts


  • 50% every third practicing member of family, teachers of GBHS and whole life members
  • 10% visitors from other schools and 35% non-practitioners (family, friends…)
  • 10% one´s own transfer reported till 18.12. (5% one way)
  • 10% for deposit 1500Kč paid till 18.12.
  • 5% whole camp

It isn´t possible to use any discounts if you pay after the camp (including after-payments)

Enroll yourself only on www.tkd.cz through Events schedule. You can send the deposits or whole amounts with note (name and purpose) to our school account 2982742001/5500, after payments possible on camp.

Discounts is possible to combine up to 100%. Deposit is refundable only in the case of apology in two days before beginning of the event for serious health reasons.


Three training a day. The beginners will have a separate group as they could be excellent prepared for exams and for maximum improving their technical level. You can expect a lot of games and competitions (tkd competitions or for example traditional competition of the best brought Christmas sweets, salad or cutlet). Of course, you can expect an extra Korean New Year celebration!!!, Korean cuisine, Korean movies, midnight training, fireworks, and girls can watch K-pop in their rooms ˘. The last day in the year and more one day around 28.12. there will be some trips with less trainings.

Every day, taekkyon and hopae sool will also be trained with exams at the end. Hopae can be bought on site for 490 CZK.


dobok since yellow-white, protectors since green belt, the pad since yellow belt, training knife since 1st kup, pencil, paper, dress and footwear for out/in-doors training, good mood and will to exercise and learn, medical insurance card, swimsuit, reasonable pocket money, common stuff…Sleeping bag needed, pillow advised. Upon arrival, a medical declaration must be handed over, which can be found in the Event Schedule at registration.

A strict ban on valuables and large sums of money for minors. I will leave the mobile equipment to the parents' own discretion and responsibility. Maybe ski in case of snow for adults. Allergy sufferers and the like, please equip your medication well and report any health problems that could limit your training in advance


  • At small children without parents we suppose basic hygiene habits, knowledge of clock, right and left side and ability to communicate with teacher.
  • We don´t go to see for holiday, so take into account adequate physical loading.
  • With participation on this event you raise your chance for exams and competition.
  • Every child will have the phone number for parents with, ideally for handy.
  • In case of lack of discipline can be anybody ordered out without compensation in the case of decision of disciplinary committee, perhaps even the compensation of damage could be awarded
  • You´d rather read the whole leaflet once more. See you on the camp :-)

Information and excuses: Martin Zámečník +420 603 302 739,info@tkd.cz

See you on the camp !