27th Jul - 1st Aug 2021


27th July – 1st August 2021
Arrival 27th July afternoon earliest 16:30 (17:30 training with Grandmaster, then campfire and grill).
Other days arrival any time. Departure on Sunday after dan exams. Own transport.


Beztahov u Votic, TKD Centre – map can be found at tkd.cz in Event schedule.


The camp is intended primarily for the 1st kups and higher grades with the main goal to prepare for their dan exam. Nonetheless, the camp is also intended to all technical grades including beginners. We also invite all family members and friends of the trainees. Everybody has a chance to exercise with the Grandmaster Hwang.


The whole 5000CZK (1000CZK a day).
Not practicing 20% discount.
The schools with ten and more practicing members have 10% discount for practicing members.
Full pension included, with snacks and drinks, accommodation, trainings, joint events and trips, including
necessary organizational expenses.


8:45 - breakfast
10:00 - training TKD ITF
12:30 - lunch
14:00 - afternoon program (training TKD ITF, trips, swimming, games, mushroom picking…)
18:30 - diner
19:00 - evening training (training TKD ITF, TKD lectures, games, projections, campfires…)

How to apply?

Till 10th July fill an application at http://www.tkd.cz/harmonogram.aspx and deposit 1500CZK to organizer (till
12th July on school account). Later applications or deposits will be charger by administrative fee 500CZK. For
the smooth running of the event, we ask everyone to meet the registration and deposit deadline. The advance is
refundable only in case of serious verifiable medical issues by email at least two days before the event start. The
rest is payable on site or account at least during the event.

Organizer and information:

Ge-baek School Hosin sool, chairman Martin Zamecnik, phone +420 603302739,
info@tkd.cz, account number IBAN: CZ7955000000002982742001, SWIFT RZBCCZPP (enter the name of
the participant and the word "Camp" in the message for the recipient).
Before and after the camp, GBHS school camps take place in the same place. Everyone is invited. Info at www.tkd.cz

Take advantage of unique opportunity for all belts to practice with our grandmaster. Among other guests
this year are other masters and grandmasters. Grandmaster Hwang will lead selected trainings focused on
Dan exams and will intensively check each applicant.

Among the traditional events like the daily training sessions, trips, Korean foods and barbecue will
be added newer events – course of the Korean, course of Korean cuisine, thematic trainings and lectures
with guests and TKD interpretation of history. We added more training at the request of members.

Need a sleeping bag or pillow and the best mood.
