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Haidong Gumdo weekend

3rd - 5th Jun 2022

The event is intended for all those interested in the journey of the sword, including complete beginners.

June 3–5 Beztahov, From 18:00 arrival and check-in. First training 19:00. Exams 5th June after lunch.

Price 4500 CZK - included in the price of accommodation, possible exams including a certificate for the prepared plus equipment for exams. Exams only for school paying HG trainees (or private lessons). For unregistered or unpaid by May 25 price 4900CZK.

A sleeping bag and standard things, including HG equipment.

Applications only via the Event Schedule at www.tkd.cz and pay in advance to the GBHS account or in person to the teacher.

I ask all HG members to find time for this important event, especially those who neglected the last events (Master Bill on the 1st winter or winter HG weekend). Performing exams, unlike intensive training, is absolutely necessary.

Do not miss the unique event of this type and become the pioneers of the Czech Haidong Gumdo. Prepare with us for our first races abroad in 2022 and a seminar with Korean Master Lee in September with us or Master Han's visit in Korea!!!