Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Nejen STM soustředění


Aug 15 - 21, 2022

Departure meeting for transport together: Prague – Roztyly, bus platform No. 2, Aug 15 at 8:30, return around 18:00 will be cleared by phone.

Arrival for own transport the first day from 10:00 - not earlier. Pick-up of participants always on the last day at approximately 15:00 (beginning of exams at 13:15 to 13:45).

To be able to take the exams, the latest arrival on Aug 20 at 9:15. The number of days practiced also increases the possibility of taking exams. However, the main task is not exams but intensive training and improvement.


In Our Centre in Beztahov.

Currently 4 large cabins with 30 beds - rooms 8,8,8,6 plus bathrooms, toilets in each cabin. Homemade Czech and Asian food on site. We train outside and in the sports hall. Swimming on site and close by. Swimsuit everyone!


The camp is intended primarily for members of STM (Talent Youth Center) and STS. All STM members with a valid contract are obliged to complete this entire event or to apologize in advance based on demonstrable serious health problems. All those interested in STM, and STS can dominate this training. The camp is also intended for all those interested in more sporty training and those interested in exams. STM members are registered for this training camp automatically (or report changes by e-mail). 3 trainings a day.


You can use the calculator. The price includes transport to and from the meeting place, food and drink regime, accommodation, training, possible exms and equipment to gain each technical level (doboks, set of protectors, method manuals, paw, training knife - nine and older members are not entitled to this equipment who have been in our school for 13 months or more and have not participated in any training camp in the last 13 months).

1 day 1000 CZK minus discounts


  • 50% every third and next practicing family member, GBHS teachers, lifetime members
  • 40% STM GBHS members when registering with the school, STS members (2 days see contract)
  • 35% non-trainers, 15% visits from other schools
  • 10% own trip (5% one trip) reported July 1
  • 10% for applications by July 1 and a deposit of CZK 1,500 per event until July 1(on the account no later than July 2)
  • 5% of the entire concentration
  • 10% only days when the capacity is filled for living in our own (our) tent or without accommodation

Within a week after the deadline for discounts, the possibility of a discount for your own tent or accommodation will be announced if the event is overcrowded. If you are interested in this option, write a note. In the event of such unsolvable overcrowding, participants with the shortest stays in the order from the latest applicants will be invited to take advantage of this discount or change the date. We do not anticipate this situation.

Discounts can be combined up to a maximum of 100%. No discounts can be applied to post-event payments, including surcharges. Apply only via the Event Schedule on www.tkd.cz. It is best to pay to the school account 2001870779/2010 (IBAN CZ53 2010 0000 0020 0187 0779, SWIFT FIOBCZPP) with the generated VS during application, or to the teachers. Surcharges and payments are possible to do on site upon arrival. The deposit is refundable only in the event of an apology two days before the start of the entire training camp for serious verifiable medical reasons. Resolve any changes to the applications via info@tkd.cz.


From the 9th kup school dobok, SLEEPING BAG, and/or pillow, paper, pencil, small pocket money, common necessities such as for camps. From the yellow school paw with you and from the green school protector. Shoes and clothes for training indoors and outdoors. We once again invited the national team coach Jan Mraček. Family visits only by prior arrangement.

  • ban on valuables, electronic kitchen appliances, small pocket money possible
  • each participant can be sent home without compensation at the discretion of the teachers.
  • Everyone will have the number for their parents and the health insurance card with them


8:40 breakfast (or warm-up)
9:30 training
12:30 lunch
15:00 afternoon program (projection, team trainings, running, trainings TK, HP or HG ...)
16:00 afternoon training (usually a non-training program for the 1st Summer)
18:30 dinner
19:45 training (after appointment possible without preschool children), lights-out by the age
since 22:00

If your child knows how to recognize the right and left, knows the lessons, has basic hygiene habits, and can communicate basics with the teacher (e.g., to announce that it is sick) - it is not a problem for it to manage camp itself. For young children, we recommend the participation of a parent, rather than the long-term and crying daily phone calls home, which is even technically demanding here. Parents must support direct communication between the student and the teacher.

I believe that anyone who is interested in taekwon-do will use these opportunities to practice intensively, even under the guidance of Grandmaster Hwang Ho-yong himself and will certainly be rewarded with a nice result in exams or competitions. Remember that it is better to come just for the weekend than to sit at home. I hope that everyone who is really interested in training will choose at least one whole event - otherwise consider whether TKD is not just a waste of time for you. For beginners and white and yellow ribbons are camps very important. A massive recruitment of newcomers will take place again in September, and those who do not have a yellow belt will start with them again. Therefore, we recommend all beginners to make every effort to achieve the yellow strap during the summer. Everyone who did not attend the training camp during the last school year should choose at least one event in order not to lose the right to get free equipment.

You'd better read the whole leaflet one more time.

info and apologies: info@tkd.cz acute questions: 603302739 master Martin Zamecnik