Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Oslava založení školy a Harabodžiho pohár

Celebration of school founding and Harabodži´s Cup

4th Dec 2022

We invite school members, friends, families, and acquaintances to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Hosin sool and Ge-baek school at Campanus Elementary School on December 4!

10:30 -11:45 Special self-defense lesson Safe Southern City (open to the public)
12:00-14:00 VII. incredible year of the Harabodzi Cup - we compete in 3 disciplines

Tul - pyramid system, don't expect only traditional tuls (teachers don't start in tuls)
Self-defense - only from 6th kup, scoring system, don't expect traditional attackers
GBHS definitely has a talent - scoring system, within a maximum of 2 minutes everyone gets the opportunity to show anything related to TKD - singing, poems, own compositions, board breaking, etc... Maybe even in groups.

14:00 Main program - an opulent and original Korean lunch in our TKD center
- training in the use of chopsticks
- very original raffle (contributions welcome)
- the annual announcement of the Member of the Year
- Chairman's speech (short of course)
- free entertainment etc…. (long of course...)

The main program will end around 16:00.

The entrance fee for the races and dinner is a total of 350 CZK (a family of three or more, 300 CZK per person). Teachers and Lifetime Members Free. Both actions are not necessarily mandatory, but the price remains the same. Register via the Events Schedule at www.tkd.cz. Payment on site or school account.


We look forward to seeing you!!! Your teachers