Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Mezinárodní seminář filipínských bojových umění

International seminar Filipino Martial Arts

10th - 14th Aug 2022

Unique event for all fans of FMA!

Sticks, knifes, kerambit and hand to hand combat.

First time in Czech Republic!!!


Grandmaster Nicomedes Elizar

Master Norman Elizar


Guro Péter Németh

Sports hall Beztahov u Votic

arrival from 17:00,
1. lesson 18:00 -21:00

11.- 13.8.
lessons 9:30 – 12:30 and 16:30 – 19:30

lesson 9:00 – 12:00, departure after lunch

The afternoon lesson can be change due to a visit to the brewery or evening Prague. More or urgent info +420603302739.


Seminar 350 Euro (one day or 2 lessons 170 Euro)

The prices includes lessons, food and accommodation at event venue. After booking payment details will be send to you. If you book or pay after 1.7.2022, you will be charged a fee of 30 Euro.


Individual lessons possible before the event or exams at the end.

Come and try how Czech beer and FMA work together!!!