Ge-Baek Hosin Sool

Taekwon-Do ITF School

Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool


There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: Jarní prázdniny
January 29, 2025
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:

Pokud učitel neurčí jinak, tak tréninky o jarních prázdninách odpadají dle tohoto soupisu:

3. 2. - 9. 2. 2025

Benešov, Beroun, Rokycany, České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Klatovy, Trutnov, Pardubice, Chrudim, Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí, Ostrava-město, Prostějov

10. 2. - 16. 2. 2025

Praha 1 až 5, Blansko, Brno-město, Brno-venkov, Břeclav, Hodonín, Vyškov, Znojmo, Domažlice, Tachov, Louny, Karviná

17. 2. - 23. ...

author: Vladimír Laš
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: Zrušení tréninku Benešov
January 15, 2025
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:

Dobrý den, 


omlouvám se, ale tělocvična stále není provozuschopná. Snažili jsme se najít alternativu v jiné budově v Benešově, ale bohužel se nepodařilo. Tudíž dnešní trenink neproběhne. Pokud by jste měli zájem určitě navštivte tréninky v okolí např. Vlašim, Bystřice, Votice, Neveklov. Doufám, že příští trénink již proběhne nicméně o všem vás budu informovat. 

author: Adam Jiří Procházka
New photogallery
January 7, 2025
author: Vladimír Laš
Photos from the Big Winter Camp
December 29, 2024

We have already managed to visit the samurai, preparatory seminars for the European Championships, or race in the GBHS Open and we are not even halfway through the Big Winter Camp yet!

author: Vladimír Laš

Actual events

For a complete list of events, see the schedule, where you can also sign up for events.


Contacts to our school, instructors and assistants.

Main e-mail:


Maps of gyms where you can practice with trainings schedule and contacts.

Photo gallery

Payments Calculator

This payments calculator is intended to help you correctly determine the price you will pay for the concentration.


A variety of documents for download.


Taekwon-Do theory

Are you preparing for exams or trying to find out information you missed in training?
Check out the About Taekwon-Do section for most of the things you need.

Ge-Baek Hosin Sool

GE-BAEK HOSIN SOOL is the largest taekwon-do ITF school in the Czech Republic. You could find some information at the following links:

about school GBHS