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Big Winter Camp

25th Dec 2023 - 2nd Jan 2024


December 25, 2023 - January 2, 2024

Take advantage of the winter holidays and come and practice for a few days and take exams!

Meet for the joint transport on 25.12. Chodov in front of the TKD centre of the Campanus Primary School, at the gate from Hroncova street at 10:00, end of the event and departure around 15:00 (not without handing over the tidy room). Return by common transport will be specified operatively upon departure.


Our centre Beztahov u Votice.

For motorists, arrive on 25/12 at 11:00 at the earliest (first day, other days anytime). First training from 11:45.


The camp is open to all interested parties. There will be rehearsals on the last day from approximately 13:30. A minimum of a full final 2 days of training is required to pre-exams and possibly participate in one of the TKD exams. This means that you must arrive no later than 1 January in the morning between 10:30 and 11:00. Or it is also possible to attend a minimum of 3 full other days and arrive for the final exams if successful. As the number of practice sessions increases, so do the chances of a successful retake. The rehearsals are only for registered members of the school who pay their dues properly (also applies to other martial arts).

The camp is suitable for all interested parties, including complete beginners.


You can use the calculator to calculate. The price includes transport, food, drink, training, accommodation and any tests and equipment required for each technical level (doboks, belts, paws, pads....). Equipment will not be provided to members nine years of age and older who have not been to camp for at least two days and have been in our school for more than 13 months.

Basic price - 1 day at 1000 CZK minus discounts


  • 50% each third and additional practicing family member, GBHS teachers and lifetime members
  • 10% non-exercising and exercising visitors from other schools
  • 10% own round trip announced by 18. 12. (5% one way)
  • 10% for registration and deposit of 1500Kč paid by 18. 12.
  • 5% of the entire camp

No discounts can be applied for payments after the event, including additional payments.

Register only through the Schedule on the school website www.tkd.cz. Pay preferably to the school account 2001870779/2010 (IBAN CZ53 2010 0000 0020 0187 0779, SWIFT FIOBCZPP) with the VS generated at registration or to teachers. Additional fees and payments can be made on the spot on arrival. Deposit is refundable only in case of excuse two days before the start of the whole camp for serious documented medical reasons.


Three training sessions per day. Beginners will have a separate group in order to raise their technical level as much as possible. You can expect many games and competitions. At the Big Winter Traditional, there will be a competition for the best Christmas cookie, salad or schnitzel brought in. Of course, expect an extraordinary Korean New Year's Eve party!!! Korean cuisine, Korean movies, midnight training, fireworks... The last day of the year and one more will be trips with less training.

The camp will also include training sessions by Grandmaster Do Ki Hyun focusing on health and combat taekyun and hopaesool, defense with a secret Korean weapon.


School dobok from white belt, school pads from green belt, school lapu from yellow belt, training knife from 1st gup, pencil, paper, clothes and shoes for outdoor and indoor practice, good mood and willingness to practice and learn, health card. We only support equipment acquired or purchased in our school, exceptions are made for current members of the national team on ITF and EITF approved pads and Ukrainian refugees on their imported equipment. It is necessary to bring a sleeping bag or a pillow.

Minors are strictly prohibited from valuables and large sums of money. I will leave cell phone equipment to the discretion of the parents and their responsibility. Maybe skis in case of snowfall for adults. Allergy sufferers and the like, please be well equipped with medication and report any medical problem that might limit training in advance!!!


  • For younger unaccompanied children, we expect basic hygiene habits, knowledge of the clock and right and left sides, and the ability to communicate with the teacher to be encouraged by each parent. If this is not the case, unaccompanied participation is impossible.
  • We are not going to the seaside for a holiday, so please allow for a reasonable amount of physical exertion.
  • By participating in this event you significantly increase your chances of qualifying for trials and competitions.
  • Each non-athlete will have their parents' phone number with them, preferably on their cell phone.
  • In the event of insubordination, anyone may be banned from the event without refund at the discretion of the teacher, or may be ordered to pay damages
  • Read the full leaflet again or enquire.

By signing up for the camp, the participant agrees to abide by the rules for staying at the camp.

info and excuses: urgent Martin Zamecnik 603302739, regular - info@tkd.cz

See you at the camp!